Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand
Leaving an Impression on the World

Thursday, October 24, 2013

3Ds of the Kingdom of God

Seek ye first...

Matthew 6:33 is sandwiched into the middle of Jesus Christ's famous sermon on the mount discourse.  It is amazing to me that Jesus told his followers to seek the kingdom of God first and yet there is often so very little teaching, focus, or emphasis on this dynamic topic.  Today's blog will be  a quick synopsis on what the kingdom of God is as well as providing a practical strategy on how to seek the kingdom of God.

What is the Kingdom?

The kingdom is simply the king's domain.  It is the realm or territory in which a king has rule and authority over.  The kingdom of God would simply be the total area, including all of its subjects and assets within that realm, that belong to the king.  For those of us who live in a western society the concept of a kingdom may be harder to grasp and to accept than for those who live in other parts of the world.  The main reason being that in a kingdom everything is owned by the King.  In democratic societies this is a foreign concept.  The good news is that if eveything belongs to the king than that means that he can give it to whomsoever he wants.  It's good to have favor with the KING!

Entering the Kingdom

To become a citizen of a kingdom you must be born into that kingdom or nation.  To become apart of God's kingdom you must be born again.  This means that you allow the rule of God to come into your heart and life.  This requires faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior, Lord, and King.  There are many who know Jesus as Savior but have not yet embraced him as LORD and KING.  This requires submitting to more of God's will for our lives.  Denying ourselves and following Jesus is how to fully experience and enjoy the benefits of the kingdom.

Our Mission

The mission of the kingdom of God is the Great Commission.  The Great Commission has two main parts or what I like to term as "legs".  One mandate of our King is to go into all of the world and to preach the Good News.  This is called the evangelism leg of the Great Commission.  The scriptural basis for this is found in Mark 16:15-20.  The other leg of the Great Commission is discipleship.  The scriptural basis for this is found in Matthew 28:16-20.  Discipleship involves teaching others how to live for Jesus and to effectively advance God's kingdom.

3Ds of the Kingdom

The 3Ds of the kingdom are: Deliverance, Discipleship, & Dominion.  Each area is important, distinct, and unique.  Each member of the body of Christ should thoroughly understand these areas.  We will break them down as follows:


According the Bible mankind is born into the spiritual dominion of the devil (Ephesians 2:1-10).  Jesus said that the spiritual strongman must first be bound and then his house could be spoiled.  The enemy must be bound through intercessory prayer.  These is the first step to deliverance.  Jesus told us to pray for his kingdom to come and his will to be done.  Once intercessory prayer has been offered up on the behalf of those who are lost then God's soul winners and evangelists can proclaim the gospel of the kingdom with great power, authority, and effectiveness.  The minds and hearts of the lost must be enlightened by the Spirit of God so that the message of the  gospel will penetrate through the spiritual darkness around them.


Phase 2 of the kingdom mandate is discipleship.  This involves the process of mentoring others in the ways of God.  It is so sad to see so many Christians defeated today.  I believe that this can be remedied through the body of Christ reaching out to its own.  The task of discipleship isn't exclusively delegated to just Pastors and ministers.  It is the responsibility of the body of Christ.  Scriptures teach us that everyone young and old, male and female, single or married should actively be involved in helping others to grow in the grace of God.  Christians who have effectively been discipled will live above reproach, honor God, and finish their God given assignments.


My favorite of the 3Ds has to be dominion.  This is attained by mature spiritual believers who are walking in the power of their spiritual inheritances.  Believers who operate in dominion cast out devils, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, and heal the sick.  Dominion is executing the spiritual authority that God has given to his church.  This requires a revelation from the Holy Spirit of who you are in Christ, submitting to the will of God for your life, and living by faith in the promises of God.  Whenever Christians are operating in spiritual dominion the entire atmosphere and culture over communities, families, and churches can be transformed by the power of God.  May God grant you supernatural victory this season as you live in the power of your spiritual inheritance.

In Christ,
Apostle James Willis

© 2013 James Willis Ministries. This work may not be duplicated or copied for personal monetary gain or commercial purposes. It may be freely shared, displayed, and reused for the furtherance of God's kingdom only.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What, Who, When, Where, Why, How & Wow of Biblical Visions

There are four types of biblical visions from the Lord.  Those four visions are open vision, inner vision, night vision which is the same as a dream, and a trance vision.  This blog will provide detailed definitions, examples, and some personal testimonies to validate and to educate concerning these supernatural expressions of God toward his people.

What are visions?

A vision is a supernatural visitation from the Lord.  I could try and impress you by going all Hebraic and Greek on you, but basically a vision is simply a visitation from the Lord.  Every time the Lord gives a vision there is a purpose for it.  Visions are never accidental.  Visions are one of the many ways that God has chosen to communicate to his people.

Who can have visions?

The short answer is anyone.  There are many instances in the Bible of God's covenant people receiving visions from the Lord.  Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, and David are a few of God's people who had visions.  It is also interesting to note that an enemy of Gideon had a night vision (Judges 7:9-15).  The Lord also gave a pagan king named Nebuchadnezzar a prophetic dream.

When can visions occur?

They may occur in the day or at night.  Often the atmosphere is the most ripe for a vision whenever there has been prayer, praise, mediation, or worship.  God may invade the natural realm whenever he chooses to do so, but typically we are the most receptive at receiving a vision whenever our hearts and minds are set upon the Lord.

Where do visions happen?

Visions may happen at home, church, or even on the job.  I once received a vision from the Lord while I was in the passenger seat of a dump truck.  Thank God I wasn't the one driving at the time!

Why do we have visions?

Visions release revelation.  We need revelation to experience greater degrees of God's glory and liberty.  A vision will communicate a truth.  We need truth to walk in freedom and in victory.  God will grant us supernatural strategies and wisdom for victory in our lives.  Anytime we receive a vision from the Lord we must ensure that the context of the vision is in scriptural agreement with God's written word the Bible.  The Lord will never give a vision that contradicts what has been revealed in his written word.

How do we have visions?

The Bible records four different times that the just shall live by faith.  Receiving a vision from the Lord will require faith.  Keeping your faith and trust in God will properly position you for receiving a vision from the Lord.

Wow I got a vision

Jesus Christ appeared to a disciple named Ananias in a vision in Acts 9.  Jesus had a supernatural assignment for this man of God.  He was to go and to minister to Saul of Tarsus.  That must have been one momentous WOW for Ananias.  After all Saul was taking Christians to prison and having them sentenced to death.  Jesus instructed Ananias to go and pray for Saul.  Often a vision from the Lord will create a life changing moment for those who are receiving visitation.

Outer Vision - Matthew 17

Probably the last thing that Peter, James, and John were expecting that day on top of the mount of transfiguration was a visit from Elijah and Moses.  The Bible tells us that the Glory of the Lord also appeared on the mountain.  That's why I like getting in the Glory there's no telling who will show up in the service!  This was an open vision from heaven.  Moses and Elijah were just as real to Peter, James, and John as the nose on Jesus' face.  In an open vision you may actually interact within the vision whereas with an inner vision you usually only are observing what is occurring.

Inner Vision - Acts 9

After Saul of Tarsus is knocked off his high horse on his road to Damascus experience with Jesus, he is temporarily blinded by the Lord.  While on a three day fast Saul receives an inner vision of a man named Ananias laying hands on him and receiving his sight back.  This vision was seen in the mind or imagination of Saul, since at this time he is physically unable to see.  An inner vision been described by some as watching TV in their minds.

Your mind is a powerful weapon.  It is imperative that Christians keep their minds focused on things that are lovely, of good report, holy, just, right, and praiseworthy.  The Holy Spirit wants to communicate to our hearts and minds.  An inner vision is a common way for the Lord to release revelation to those who have renewed their minds with the Word of God.

Night Vision or Dream - Daniel 2

A night vision is simply a dream from the Lord.  It is important to note that not every dream that we dream is necessarily from the Lord or even spiritual for that matter (Ecclesiastes 5:3).  Night visions need to be interpreted.  We always interpret visions, dreams, and prophetic symbolism in line with God's Word.  I once asked the Lord why he chose to speak to me in dreams.   He said "Because your flesh doesn't get in the way."  Dreams are a means of communicating wonderful and ofter deep revelation knowledge.

Trance Vision - Acts 10

The apostle Peter fell into a trance vision in the book of Acts.  A trance vision occurs as the spiritual realm transcends into the natural realm simultaneously.  The physical senses are often suspended during this type of vision.  Spiritual trances tend to be the rarest of visions that are experienced.  In a trance vision you may be taken into different locations in the spirit of even in the natural realm.  An example of the prophet Ezekiel being taken to Israel from Babylon would qualify as a trance (Ezekiel 11)

Outpouring of the Spirit - Joel 2

Dreams, visions, and supernatural visitations are a direct result of God pouring out his Spirit upon all flesh.  It is important to emphasize the fact that we are to seek God first and then allow the Holy Spirit to manifest his presence however he chooses to do so.  There are a few guidelines that I would like to interject whenever we are dealing with the topic of spiritual visions.  These experiences can not be manipulated.  They are a part of our spiritual inheritance and  should be joyfully received.  We should always allow the Spirit of God to dictate and lead us into these experiences.  God never forces us into these encounters because that would be a violation of our freewill.

Remember for every truth there is a counterfeit.  Hypnotists, psychics, and other so called spiritual mediums are trying to obtain illegal revelation through conjuring up demonic forces and methods.  This is witchcraft and it is forbidden for Christians to be apart of.  God will expose the fakes and frauds.  We are to pursue the truth.  God's goodness is truly amazing.  May God grant you supernatural visitation as you pursue him.

In Christ,
Apostle James Willis

© 2013 James Willis Ministries. This work may not be duplicated or copied for personal monetary gain or commercial purposes. It may be freely shared, displayed, and reused for the furtherance of God's kingdom only.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Are You Building Without The Presence Of The Lord

Don't Build Without God. - Psalms 127:1

Psalms 127:1 Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

It seems that today there is a lot of talk about the BBD. What is the BBD you ask? It is the bigger better deal. Our culture is consumed with this fast paced, ever evolving ideology of give me the BBD. While there is nothing wrong in itself with desiring excellence or improvement there is however an issue of being presumptuous, irreverent, and even unappreciative of the accomplishments and resources that are available to us today. Today's blog is an attempt to take an honest, unbiased, and comprehensive look at how the BBD mentality is trying to invade the fabric and culture of the church of Jesus Christ.

Defining the Presence of God - Proverbs 15:3

Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

God is omnipresence or simply stated his presence is everywhere and at all times. There is just as much of God's presence in the casinos, beer joints, and strip clubs as there is in our churches and homes, however there is a distinct difference in these places. For those of you who are offended by that statement please allow me to explain. For starters God's omnipresence doesn't necessarily mean God's approval of all of the activities that are occurring. Another point that must be understood is that although God is omnipresent that doesn't mean that his presence is always manifest in all places. In the house of God where the people of God worship and praise him his presence becomes more manifest because the Lord inhabits the praises of his people (Psalms 22:3). There are different degrees of God's glory or of his presence. In the glory or in his presence is all of his goodness (Exodus 33:18-19). The Lord manifests his glory where he is welcomed, loved, and honored.

Perceiving His Presence - Job 9:11

Job 9:11 Lo, he goeth by me, and I see him not: he passeth on also, but I perceive him not.

The Holy Spirit will manifest the presence of God, but it is up to us to perceive his presence. In scriptures the right hand is always the place of honor, preeminence, and authority. The right hand of God is reserved for Jesus Christ who is the head of the church. If you have ever read of the plight of Job in the Bible then you can understand his anguish whenever Job cries out that he can not perceive God's presence in the midst of his pain. We have access to inside information that Job wasn't privileged to. We read how God and the devil were having a conversation about righteous Job. God is ever present in the story of Job but he is at work on the left hand and not on the right hand. In other words even when I don't perceive it in my circumstances God has never abandoned me and he will continually defend me in the midst of trouble. God works all things together for good whenever I perceive it but also when I can not perceive it. He is ever faithful.

Building Without the Presence - Genesis 4:16

16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

Most of us are familiar with the tale of Cain and Abel. Many ministers have brought forth great truths and revelations from within the pages of this classic saga. There are lessons of jealousy, warnings against rage, and even the great forgiveness and long suffering of God are all found within the fourth chapter of the book of Genesis. A truth that we will consider is the fact that Cain was banished from the presence of the Lord yet continued to exist on the planet. A few verses later informs us that Cain built cities in the land of Nod. Nod means wanderings. It is fascinating to me that whole entire cities were built before the flood without the presence and approval of God. One can only imagine the wickedness that must have prevailed there. It is also very apparent to me that if God doesn't build it then there is no guarantee that it will stand the tests of time. I am encouraging all to build within the boundaries and blessings of God's blueprints. No matter what we build whether it be a ministry, family, or a project we should always first seek the presence of God and move within his timing and will. Remember Psalms 127 doesn't say that they didn't build, it just says that what was built was in vain or a waste of time. Remember it doesn't have to be big to be great and just because it is big doesn't automatically mean that it is great or approved of by God. Blessings be upon you in the name of the Lord.

In Christ,
Apostle James Willis

© 2013 James Willis Ministries. This work may not be duplicated or copied for personal monetary gain or commercial purposes. It may be freely shared, displayed, and reused for the furtherance of God's kingdom only.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Prophectic Symbolism

God is creative

God is the Creator. He is also a very creative speaker. The Lord expresses himself in a variety of ways. The expressions of God found in the Bible quickly confirm this. The Bible itself is wrote in three distinctive styles of language. Those styles are literal, figurative, and symbolic language. Have you ever discovered that sometimes what a person says is not exactly what the person means? And all of the married people said "Amen". The more we fellowship with God the easier it is to not only hear God's voice but to discern his intention. Below are some examples that will help us to discern God more clearly.

The Bible can be literal

"Thou shalt have no other God's before me." This is the first of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20. These commandments were to be taken literally at face value. There was no symbolism intended whenever God gave the Law to the children of Israel. What you see is what you get. There are times in our walk with God that he will give us very literal instructions. These are to be obeyed because we love him. The New Testament is governed by the law of love. All of the Law hangs upon love. Jesus said that love is the fulfilling of the Law. If I truly love Jesus then I will do what he requires of me. The just live by faith. This literally means to be in right standing with God. The Holy Spirit will guide us as we seek to understand more of God's creative expressions.

The Bible can be figurative

"As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul longs after thee, O God." Psalms 42 is describing a spiritual hunger for God using figurative language. The psalmists compares his spiritual hunger for more of God to the natural hunger of a deer thirsty for water. It is a beautiful picture of innocence, simplicity, and sincerity. The psalmist just wants more of God. He isn't asking for a bigger house, a faster car, or for a higher paying career. There is a supernatural fulfillment that comes from just wanting more of God in our life. Only the Lord can satisfy this deep longing within our souls.

The Bible can be symbolic

"The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches." In Revelation 1:20 John the apostle is caught up into heaven. In the vision he receives a spiritual download of the end of the age. While in heaven John sees Jesus walking in the midst of seven golden candlesticks and seven stars. These symbolize the seven churches and the seven angels of the seven churches found in the book of Revelation. This interpretation indicates that the church is to be the light of the world, Jesus walks in the midst of our services, and there are angelic hosts present in our company. Symbolic interpretation is critical whenever we are looking at the Bible from a prophetic viewpoint.

Numbers, Colors, & Animals

Here is a list of prophetic symbolism for numbers 1 through 30

One: Unity
Two: Witness, Testimony, Discipleship
Three: Death Burial & Resurrection, Heaven, Trinity
Four: Earth, Creation, Mankind, Miracles
Five: Grace
Six: Sin, Man, Manifestation, Pride
Seven: Completion, Perfection
Eight: New Birth, New Beginnings, New Seasons
Nine: Divine Completion, End of a Season or Cycle
Ten: Law, Worship, Witness
Eleven: Judgment
Twelve: Governmental Perfection
Thirteen: Rebellion, Depravity
Fourteen: Salvation, Deliverance
Fifteen: Rest
Sixteen: Love
Seventeen: Victory
Eighteen: Bondage
Nineteen: Faith
Twenty: Redemption
Twenty one: Exceeding sinfulness of sin
Twenty two: Light
Twenty three: Death
Twenty four: Priesthood
Twenty five: Forgiveness of Sin
Twenty six: Gospel
Twenty seven: Restoration
Twenty eight: Eternal Life
Twenty nine: Departure
Thirty: Dedication

Here is a list of prophetic symbolism for colors

Red: Warfare, Sin, Blood, Judgment, Suffering
Blue: Priesthood, Holy Spirit, Prophetic, Authority
White: Righteousness, Purity, Holiness
Black: Judgment, Death, Famine
Purple: Wealth, Royalty
Gray: Wisdom, Compassion, Experience
Gold: Deity, Faith
Silver: Redemption
Green: Fruitfulness, Life, Earth
Copper/Brass: Humanity, Strength, Sin

Here is a list of prophetic symbolism of animals

Ant: Industrious, Preparedness
Bear: Cruelty, Judgment, Cunning *Can represent the nation of Persia or the nation of Russia*
Bull: Strength, Labor, Servant hood
Donkey: Patience, Stubbornness, Endurance
Fox: Sly, wicked, evil
Goat: Curse, Deceit, Sin
Dove: Holy Spirit, Holiness, Purity
Lion: Jesus Christ, Authority, Kingship, Fear, the devil
Lamb: Jesus Christ, Innocence, Peace
Ox: Sacrifice, Service, Strength
Fish: Souls of men, Church, Gospel
Frogs: Unclean Spirits, Judgment, Wickedness
Eagle: Resurrection, Breakthrough, Deliverance * Can represent the nation of America *
Horse: Authority, Power, Conquest
Crocodile: Pride, Death, Destruction
Deer: Spiritual Hunger, Grace, Gentleness
Owl: Demonic Spirits, Witchcraft, Demonic Wisdom

In Christ,
Apostle James Willis

© 2013 James Willis Ministries. This work may not be duplicated or copied for personal monetary gain or commercial purposes. It may be freely shared, displayed, and reused for the furtherance of God's kingdom only.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Three Strikes Doesn't Mean You Are Out

Three Strikes Doesn't Mean You Are Out

The Book of Exodus has always held a particular fascination for me. I am amazed at how God brought the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage and into their promised land. I am a particularly drawn to the first four miracles that Moses and Aaron performed in front of Pharaoh and his royal court. There are so many prophetic implications and practical applications for these miracles. I believe that by looking at them with a fresh anointing we can glean some wonderful revelation. Let's look at them in order.

The Rod Turns Into A Serpent

Moses' calling was that of a deliverer and a shepherd. Shepherding is probably one of the hardest assignments that anyone can ever have. This miracle was first revealed to Moses in the wilderness after his encounter with the burning bush. Moses was instructed to throw his rod or staff onto the ground. The significance of this event was life changing. For the last 40 years of his life Moses had lived as a shepherd. Throwing his rod upon the ground was like asking a police officer to throw down his badge, a Marine to throw down his M16, or a preacher to throw down his Bible. God was telling Moses to lay down his life. A lot of people want the miracles of God, but not many are willing to completely lay down their lives for God's purposes. Upon his obedience to God's command the miraculous was released. His shepherds staff had turned into a serpent. Moses did what most of us would have done in his position. He ran from the serpent. What do you do when serpents unexpectedly show up in your life? It appears that there are only two real responses,either you fight or you take flight. The Lord instructed Moses to take the serpent up by the tail. That tells me that the Lord will allow you and I to sneak up on our enemies instead of them sneaking up on us. The symbolism is so appropriate don't you think. I believe that the Lord is giving new strategy to the church this season so that we may startle our enemies and advance God's plans and purposes.

Strike One

Picture this with me. You are standing before the single most powerful man in the world. This man is not only the wealthiest individual on the planet, he is also the commander of the most advanced military in the world. He is a man that always gets his way. You have a message from him that you know he is not going to be happy to hear. In fact people have been executed for far less than what you are about to do and say to this man. You have just put yourself in Moses and Aaron's shoes. The moment of truth has come. Moses has gained victory over a serpent in the wilderness now he must face the serpent on the throne, the Egyptian Pharaoh. Thus saith the Lord "Let my people go that they may serve me." After this prophetic declaration the rod of God is cast down upon the ground and is transformed into a serpent. This is where things become even more interesting. Pharaoh's magicians are summoned and perform the same miracle as Moses. I have often tried to place myself in Moses shoes and imagine what it must have felt like to see the miracle reproduced by the enemy. This is strike number 1. However the temptation to become hopeless is quickly dispelled as Moses' serpent swallows up the other two serpents. God will not only defend his message he will also defend his messengers. Let's see what happens next.

Strike Two

Pharaoh isn't phased by the serpent encounter with Moses so the Lord sends Moses and Aaron out to meet him at the Nile River. Many scholars believe that the miracles of Moses were a direct judgment against the numerous so called "gods" of Egypt. As Pharaoh is offering homage to the water spirits of the Nile, God is about to release another judgment upon Pharaoh and his kingdom. The Nile River was the symbol of life, vitality, and tranquility for the whole nation. The rod of God is raised and the Nile is turned into blood to illustrate that God is the source of all life and nothing else. Once again the magicians of Egypt repeat the process and change the water into blood as well. Strike two for Moses & Aaron. I have discovered an interesting truth when it comes to God. Sometimes he has to diminish you before he delivers you. I believe this is to protect us from pride and self righteousness. There is no doubt in Moses mind that without God there is way he is going to win this battle with Pharaoh.

Strike Three

The result of judgment number three is frogs, frogs, and more frogs. The scriptures inform us that the magicians repeat this miracle only to add to their misery. This is strike three. Did you know that there are people today that are trying to mimic God's power,just like the magicians tried to, only to their own doom. Real power comes from being humble and submissive to God's will. There is no bypassing this. At this point Moses has come before Pharaoh three times and each time he isn't taken seriously because the Egyptians are able to copycat the miracles that he has performed. I've got good news for you. Three strikes and you are not out when it comes to fulfilling God's will for you life.

The Line in the Sand

Miracle number four is where things get very interesting. Moses stretches the rod over the sands of Egypt and the sand becomes lice. The magicians try to repeat this miracle and fail to do so. They approach Pharaoh and inform him to let the people of God go because this miracle is obviously the "finger of God" since they are unable to mimic it. The Lord once told me something very powerful about this. He said "As long as the world can duplicate what you've got, it won't be interested in what you have to say or take you seriously what you have come to do." I have a newsflash for you. The church has great singers, so does the world. The church was great speakers, so does the world. The church has great facilities, so does the world. What is going to be the line in the sand? I believe it will be the supernatural miracles of God being poured out from heaven above. God is looking for the Moses and Aarons of today. Men and women of God who have laid down their life for the cause of Christ. May this be a season of God's supernatural power being poured out in your life. May you sneak up on the enemy this season and defeat him decisively. May every counterfeit, fake, fraud, and false prophet be exposed and truly be converted to the One True Living God. Remember that three strikes doesn't mean that you are out. Get back in there and tell that serpent that this is where it stops. God will be exalted in the earth and the line in the sand has been drawn. May God bless and keep in you.

In Christ,
Apostle James Willis

© 2013 James Willis Ministries. This work may not be duplicated or copied for personal monetary gain or commercial purposes. It may be freely shared, displayed, and reused for the furtherance of God's kingdom only.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Feasts of the lord from evangelistwillis

In Christ,
Apostle James Willis

© 2013 James Willis Ministries. This work may not be duplicated or copied for personal monetary gain or commercial purposes. It may be freely shared, displayed, and reused for the furtherance of God's kingdom only.

Period of Spiritual Instrucion How to be Lead by the Spirit from evangelistwillis

In Christ,
Apostle James Willis

© 2013 James Willis Ministries. This work may not be duplicated or copied for personal monetary gain or commercial purposes. It may be freely shared, displayed, and reused for the furtherance of God's kingdom only.